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Writer: LegacyLegacy

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Tal Shiar base, undisclosed system...

Mischa: after a recall to Starfleet Intelligence HQ where the team interviewed a Tal Shiar defector who would only speak with Mischa

Mischa: who turned out to be her informant from previous operations

Mischa: the crew learned of a power struggle within the Tal Shiar, with a strong leader coming through who had severe plans against Starfleet

Mischa: Acting on his information, they saught out a KDF operative on Legia IX who provided crucial details for access to the facility where this was occurring

Mischa: the KDF operative - Mysti - who provided assistance due to personal ties with Starfleet, also put them in contact with a Romulan freelancer who could help with the infiltration - Alyss

Mischa: Alyss installed her cloaking device on the Gainsmobile in return for being able to join the away team in shutting down the operation

Mischa: as a former victim of Tal Shiar experiments, her motive is simply to see them shut down

Mischa: now en route to the Brea system; the team must finalize their plan

Mischa: also in the ready room behind Mischa, are Alyss and Dhiov (the defector)

Mischa: Mischa and Dhiov will be inserting into the base seperately from the main team to take out secondary objective of transport inhibitors to allow quick escape

Mischa: Alyss is set to hack the main team through their route across the base. Questions?

Mischa: as i understand it; the team is actually wearing Romulan disguises and temporary cosmetic surgery to appear Romulan. Or holo disguises, or something!

Lazard: "In and out. All to plan, we should be able to avoid any conflict until arrival at the master control station."

Lazard: "There is no reason to escalate this into more bloodshed than required. I would prefer none at all."

Caelia nods "of course."

Thani zh'Kerro nods "We can lock the phasers to heavy stun."

T'Vek: "Heavy stun should have an effect on Romulans...right?"

Lazard: "I would not risk it. Avoid conflict if at all possible...but not at the cost of your own wellbeing. This is the Tal'Shiar we are dealing with."

Caelia nods "Noted" finds her phaser and adjust the settings

T'Vek still has to pick up a phaser on her way out.

Lazard enters data into his desk pc.

Lazard stands to retrieve a phaser rifle from the shelf behind him, meticulously cleaned and resting in an almost ceremonial fashion.

T'Vek: "So if we think someone's seen through our disguises...better safe than sorry?"

Lazard places one hand on either side of the rifle and raises it an inch or so from the shelf. Closing his eyes and bowing his head, he pauses for a brief moment of silence before nodding and slinging +

Lazard it over his shoulder. "Yes, Lieutenant. Quite right."

Mischa | Alyss snickers, "You all look so cute in your disguises!"

Caelia smirks "Fantastic"

T'Vek checks over her toolbelt. "Got everything I need...I think. Any more preparations?"

Lazard looks to his monitor. "As far as I see, all has been prepared."

T'Vek takes a scan with her tricorder. "DNA mask is working optimally...better than that Syndicate infiltrator's at least. Should be good to go, captain."

Caelia looks around "Looks like we are ready to get started then"

Lazard heads off toward the transporter pad. "No time like the present."

T'Vek realizes Eunha has a phaser and she doesn't this time...

T'Vek goes to grab a phaser.

Caelia makes one final check into her medical bag and is content with what she stuffed in there

Lazard: "Energize."

Thani zh'Kerro: The beamin point is secured, I don't think they've noticed us yet.

Thani zh'Kerro scans the environment with a tricorder.

T'Vek: "Let's hope we can keep it that way..."

Lazard: "Remember, if our cover does not last...survive."

Caelia nods

Thani zh'Kerro searches through the stunned Romulan for her comm equipment.

Lazard watches the alley.

Thani zh'Kerro hands the equipment over to Kelly "There you go Lieutenant."

T'Vek: "Thanks. This'll come in handy."

T'Vek hides the body once Thani is finished.

Lazard: "Hostiles ahead."

T'Vek hooks up the Romulan comm gear and monitors it for activity.

Caelia: "Our back seems to be clear"

Thani zh'Kerro: One of our objectives is just through here.

Lazard: "Take point, Commander."

Thani zh'Kerro: Captain, if I may?

Thani zh'Kerro: Kelly, see if you can send out a false alert.

T'Vek: "Picking up Romulan chatter, they're deploying security to essential positions."

T'Vek nods. "I'll do what I can to draw them away."

T'Vek masks her accent as she speaks into the comms.

T'Vek: <C> "Hello? Is anyone reading me?"

Mischa: <C> "You are on a secure channel. Who is this?"

T'Vek: <C> "This is..." She checks the ID of the dead Romulan "...Uhlan Toreth. I just sent in a security alert, you're getting it, right?"

Thani zh'Kerro: This area is clear

Mischa: <C> Confirmed Uhlan. Responders are en route now

T'Vek: <C> "No no no, not my position, you want the..." she checks her map. "Eastern wing. Western wing is clear, repeat, western wing is clear."

T'Vek: rolls 18 (1-100)

Mischa: <C> "...What is your personnel ID, Uhlan? You should not be monitoring locations away from your post. You will be reported to your superior"

Mischa: FX | Security forces continue to the western wing

Thani zh'Kerro: Captain, I believe this is one of the data points.

T'Vek: <C> "I'll right back at my post, sorry...sir."

Thani zh'Kerro: We should set up one of the monitoring devices.

Lazard waves Alyss over to the terminal.

Mischa: FX | Alyss approaches the terminal, plugging in through her cranial implant and working her magic

Lazard watches the rooftops through his scope.

Mischa: FX | After a few moments, she unplugs herself, nodding confirmation that this grid section is down

T'Vek: <C> "Looks like intruders have set plasma charges along the main entrance to the western side...advise rerouting from southern entrance."

T'Vek: rolls 10 (1-100)

T'Vek: "Looks like the Tal Shiar's not easy to fool..."

T'Vek looks to Lazard. "Guess we'll have to move quickly, captain."

Lazard nods once. We should move quickly (once Cae is back) but not negate caution for haste."

T'Vek scans. "I think some of the access points we need are above us."

T'Vek: "Pretty exposed up there but with luck the holos should confuse them enough not to shoot at us from everywhere..."

Mischa: <C> Team 2 to team 1; Captain, what is your progress? We have just accessed base systems at the northern substation"

Lazard taps his combadge.

Lazard: <C> Lazard here. One node down, moving to second point."

Mischa: <C> Understood. We have gained access to the base layout so if require guidance let me know. team 2 out

T'Vek: <C> "We can use this staircase to move up, right?"

Thani zh'Kerro: Captain, if the Romulans have sent reinforcements, I expect they'll be coming shortly.

Lazard: "Take us out, Commander."

Mischa: <C> If you're position is mapping accurately on my scans... yes

Lazard: "Stay low, watch the rooftops."

Thani zh'Kerro: What the hell?

T'Vek calls up Alyss NPC.

Thani zh'Kerro: Captain!

Lazard: "What is it, Commander?"

Thani zh'Kerro: Over there, some fighters.

Lazard: "I see. Send coordinates to the Gainsborough. We cannot let those fighters lose their footing."

Thani zh'Kerro nods and sends the coordinates.

Mischa: FX | Alyss npc steps up again and does her thing

T'Vek: <C> "Alright...where to next?"

Thani zh'Kerro scans the environment with a tricorder.

Thani zh'Kerro points dramatically forward.

Lazard says something too quiet to make out.

Mischa: <C> "Plotting route... there! Sending it through to you now, Kelly

Thani zh'Kerro: There

T'Vek: <C> "Thanks commander."

Lazard posts up in a sniper nest on the stairs.

T'Vek calls up Alyss NPC again.

T'Vek: "Alright...they're definitely sending reinforcements now..."

Thani zh'Kerro: So much for stealth

T'Vek: "At least we're not caught yet."

Caelia: "Lets keep it like that, shall we"

Mischa: FX | Alyss npc again steps up works her cyber magic

Thani zh'Kerro: Let's just hope they haven't discovered the Gainsborough yet

Lazard: "Move with purpose. Strike swiftly and disappear into the shadow."

T'Vek searches the fallen Romulans for weapons.

T'Vek lags slightly behind as she fiddles with weapon energy cells.

T'Vek calls up Alyss NPC as another point is secured.

Mischa: FX | Alyss npc again steps up works her cyber magic

T'Vek: <C> " the command centre now?"

Thani zh'Kerro: Sir, there's a problem.

Lazard: "Go."

Thani zh'Kerro: Forcefield.

Lazard looks up.

Mischa: <C> Confirmed. Dhiov and I will meet you th- *thud*...."

T'Vek: <C> "Commander?"

Lazard sharply looks to his commbadge. "That is not good."

Mischa: <C> *static*

T'Vek: "Alyss, can you get that force field down?"

Thani zh'Kerro: I knew that cloak was going to be trouble.

Caelia: "Never is"

Mischa: | Alyss, "Just watch me!"

Mischa: FX | Alyss plugs in and takes care of it

T'Vek: "Oh no one of the fighters is in the air."

T'Vek: "Nice shooting commander!"

T'Vek: "Wha- oh."

T'Vek: "Thanks. Didn't see that."

Thani zh'Kerro: I have to admit, I didn't expect that.

Lazard: "We should be moving."

Thani zh'Kerro: Look, the forcefield is down

T'Vek: "Any sign of Commander Leveson-Scott?"

Mischa: | Alyss; "Told you it wouldn't be a problem, blue!"

Thani zh'Kerro gives a midly dissatisifed grunt.

Lazard mentally puts $5 on Kerro.

Lazard: "Move out. We need to find our XO."

T'Vek: "One moment captain."

T'Vek tries to rig the Romulan energy cells into plasma mines.

T'Vek: rolls 100 (1-100)

T'Vek lays two plasma mines on the platform.

T'Vek: "That should slow down any reinforcements."

Caelia: "Good call"

Thani zh'Kerro: Impressive.

Lazard: "So long as there are no civilians present."

Mischa: "Ain't such thing as a civilian here, Cap'"

Thani zh'Kerro: Up here

T'Vek watches the side of the bridge as they proceed up.

Thani zh'Kerro: No sign of the XO.

T'Vek: "Don't see anything either, commander."

Lazard quietly scans the rooftops through his scope.

Mischa: :Alyss pokes about with more hacking, "There... that should be the last one now!"

T'Vek: "Think we should get to the command centre while we still can."

Mischa wanders up to see what everyone's looking at

T'Vek: "Could split up to find the XO, but that might be risky."

Lazard: "Any idea what happened to our XO, Alyss?"

Mischa: "Best thinkg you can do is finish the job quick then try and find her. That way if she did die, it wasn't for nothing!"

Mischa: "And don't give me that look Captain, I know as much as you do"

Lazard still gives her the look.

T'Vek: "We can have the Gainsborough look for human lifesigns. Can't be too many here and it'll be easier than searching on foot."

Lazard: "Get it done, Lt."

T'Vek nods and taps her combadge to communicate.

Mischa: "Think what you will of me Captain, but the longer we stand here arguing about it, the more likely it will become that something /does/ happen to your XO"

T'Vek: <C> "Kelly to Gainsborough, we need a scan of any human lifesigns that's not on my position."

Mischa: <C: Gains> "Will see what we can do Kelly, but there's some pretty heavy interference from the dampening fields around the base. Will keep you apprised"

T'Vek: <C> "Alright. Let me know if you find anything."

T'Vek: "Gainsborough's working on it, sir."

Lazard: "Good."

T'Vek: "So...continue with the original plan to the command centre?"

Lazard: "Until we know more."

Lazard picks off a few stragglers.

Mischa: "Awww.... I wanted that one!"

Lazard: "Move."

Mischa: "Down there" she points towards the arch, "That should be the command centre in that courtyard"

T'Vek scans the courtyard.

Lazard: "Are we ready?"

Mischa: "You betcha!"

T'Vek: "Scans confirm one of the lifesigns ahead is Maldar, high profile Tal Shiar commander."

Lazard: "Fan out, overwhelm them with firepower. If it all possible, we need the leader alive."

Caelia nods and get ready

Lazard: "Move in."

T'Vek checks that her phaser is on heavy stun and moves in

Mischa FX | the few remaining Tal Shiar guards around Maldar put up a strong fight but were no match for the Gainsteam in the end

Mischa FX | Though Alyss was knocked unconcious during the fight...

Lazard: "Doctor, do what you can for whomever needs medical attention."

Lazard: "Keliaya, retrieve what data you can without Alyss."

Caelia nods "Will do" finds her tricorder and begins to scan for hurt people and afterwards tending to their wounds

Mischa FX | Just as things seem to settle, the sound of slow clapping comes from ahead"

Lazard stops mid-sentence.

Mischa Dhiov (the defector) appears with a broad grin on his face, sarcastically applauding the team

Mischa: (Dhiov now played by Obisek!)

Lazard: "You."

Mischa | Dhiov, "Bravo Starfleet, I must admit... when we first met, I highly doubted you'd be capable"

Lazard: "Where is LTCDR Leveson-Scott?"

T'Vek looks over to the captain and the defector as she downloads data from a partially busted terminal.

Mischa | Dhiov grins, "Oh, you mean the sweet little spy-that-was?"

Lazard: "You have five seconds to hand her over to us before I break your spine."

Mischa | Dhiov laughs maniacally, "Does it look like she is here, Captain?"

Lazard: "One."

Mischa | Dhiov, "And such a shame really... she truly did play into my plans so well..."

Lazard: "Two."

Mischa | Dhiov, "If you kill me now Captain, you'll never see her again"

Lazard stretches his neck side to side. "Three."

Mischa FX | A red laser dot suddenly appears on Dhiov's forehead

Mischa | Dhiov, "And here I thought Starfleet was all about playing nice. Why, I be-..."

Lazard dives to tackle Dhiov out of the laser.

Mischa FX | A faint whilstling thud noise flashes overhead before Dhiov drops backwards to the floor

Lazard tackles what I imagine is now a dead body to the ground and kneels over him. Mischa FX | He is indeed dead from a gunshot to the head T'Vek turns as Dhiov drops dead and kneels down, drawing her phaser as she looks around for the shooter. Lazard: "Damnit." Mischa casually walks in, a sniper rifle slung over her shoulder Mischa: "Hope I didn't give you a scare there, Captain. But I couldn't risk him trying anything against you all" Lazard pushes up from the corpse and turns to face Mischa. Mischa salutes Lazard. Lazard: "You could have informed us that you were not incapacitated." Mischa: "Oh, but I was!" Mischa: "Dhiov... he played us - Starfleet... even me...." Lazard: "That much is clear." Mischa: "He made his move after we secured the base systems. However once I came to, I could not risk contacting you lest he may hear you also" Mischa: "Since it was only prudent to assume he tapped my comms while I was out" Lazard: " is done now." He looks over to the corpse, then back to Mischa. "Do we have what we came here for?" Mischa: "Well... that's just it, Sir. I don't think there /was/ ever any real cause..." Mischa searches Dhiov Lazard looks down to his boots. Mischa: "At least... not the cause we believed...." she says, standing back up with Dhiov's PADD in her hand Mischa: "I believe we have still achieved the desired goal of shutting down the power hungry Tal Shiar commander who held a grudge against Starfleet" T'Vek: "Got all the data I could, captain." Mischa glances at the two dead bodies beside each other Mischa: "It's just... not the commander we thought it was...." Lazard: "If we are finished playing the role of assassin, please call for transport." Mischa hands Lazard Dhiov's PADD showing evidence that /he/ was actually using Starfleet to make this power play Lazard doesn't seem terribly interested in the PADD. "I believe you. We can deal with it in the reports." Mischa: "I'm certainly ready to get out of here" Mischa activates her combadge. Mischa: "Leveson-Scott to Gainsborough; six to beam up" Mischa scene end with dramatic fade to black


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