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Andrej Timoreev

Writer: Bel RioseBel Riose





CO | USS Attar


SF-300-6050 KT







72760.8 (05/06/2373)


Moscow, Earth











  • 2395: Graduated at Starfleet Academy, San Francisco. Training internship at the Advanced Starship Design Bureau, Utopia Planitia. Assigned to the U.S.S. Rihlah.

  • 2398: Commendation for merits of service; promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

  • 2400: Assigned to the U.S.S. Na'el.

  • 2406: Promoted to Lieutenant Full Grade.

  • 2408: Entered the Command School at Starfleet Academy, San Francisco.

  • 2410: Graduated from the Command School at Starfleet Academy, San Francisco. Reassigned to the U.S.S. Na'el as XO.

  • 2411: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

  • 2414: Promoted to Commander. Assigned to the U.S.S. Shenandoah (U.S.S. Ananke) as CO under recommendation of Capt. T. Endermann. Later promoted to Captain in order to take the new assignment.

  • 2416: Promoted to Commanding Officer of the Libra Squadron, 38th Fleet; led first Starfleet talks in the Liyan Cluster.

  • 2416: Transferred to the U.S.S. Attar.


Andrej Timoreev was born in Moscow, Sol III, the 5th October 2373. His parents were Alexander and Olya Timoreev (his mother family name was Lichenko, of Ukrainian origins).

At the time, Alexander was a civilian doctor, namely a neurologist in Novosibirsk. After the birth of Andrej he decided to move in Moscow (he also teached at the MGU, the Moscow State University).

On the other side, Olya was a Starfleet engineer, specialized in propulsion physics. She served on board the U.S.S. Melbourne, U.S.S. Thunderchild, U.S.S. Lysithea and U.S.S. Doolittle.

The relation between Alexander and Olya was without doubts difficult: she was continuously moving, exploring the stars, while he stayed on Earth, not so keen in following his wife in her journeys.

For a great part of his childhood, Andrej had to live with the father. He usually met his mother during her short leaves on Earth, or he heard of her accomplishments (or, at least, the accomplishments of the vessels on board of which she was serving at the moment) through the news.

A lonely child, he quickly showed a great passion for studying almost every subject: from history to psycology, although his strongest interest was surely engineering. Collecting a number of models of Starfleet vessels (ranging from the Phoenix to the Sovereign Class), he learnt their specifics, the performance of their impulse and warp engines, the capacity of their sensor systems, their weaponry , and so on.

Maybe influenced by his mother job, he quickly discovered to be very keen on learning everything about propulsion systems: the history fo the theories of Zefram Cochrane or Archer fascinated him at the high school.

But there was also something else he was interested in: the greatest passion was, without doubts, the Space.

His youth passed by looking at the stars far above him, wondering what was out there, and how to reach new planets and civilizations.

No surprise that, at the end of the high school, he decided to join Starfleet.

His father was not so happy when he told him: when Andrej was still eleven years old, Olya finally decided to leave Alexander. This happened only two years before she was killed, when the Doolittle, on board of which she served as Chief Engineer, was destroyed during a mission in the Romulan Neutral Zone.

But, ignoring the protests of his father, Andrej held his position: finally, Alexander surrendered, and Andrej started to attend the Academy at Marseille in 2391.

However, there was something else he needed to leave behind himself, in Moscow. A young girl, probably the only friend he could say to have had since he was a young teenager: Valeriya Feodorovna Gurshieva.

Since the beginning, she and Timoreev had very similar characters: both were stubborn, lonely youngs.

But while the eyes of Timoreev were always, firmly, kept on the stars, those of Gurshieva were far more "flexibles". A very intelligent and cultured girl, daughter of a colleague of Timoreev's father, she cultivated many different passions, exactly like her friend. But she was far more "volatile" in her interests (but, maybe, this was just an excuse for Andrej to cover often his own fickleness).

The two youngs often had strong discussions, even open conflicts, on so many issues that Timoreev soon stopped to count them. More than friends, they often looked as rivals.

However, in the deep of their hearts, they both discovered to feel more than simple friendship for the other, a thing they never had the courage to openly confess to each other (and this became another reason for conflict).

When Timoreev decided to join Starfleet, Gurshieva felt herself abandoned: they met for the last time at the shuttle (once metro) station of Universitet, just in front the main building of the MGU, in a snowy day, and they had their last, dramatic, discussion.

At the end, she turned her shoulders to Timoreev, leaving him to pursue her own career in the field of anthropology and history.

He never met her again.

At the Academy, Andrej finally had the opportunity to learn more about himself, his true vocation, and his abilities: transforming himself step-by-step, he left behind the little, lonely child who spared his life between the Moscow Museum of Aerospace Science, Gorky Park, and the MGU. He became a skilled, resourceful, and even more socializing person.

But the process was slow, and painful: in Marseille, maybe due to the fact he had still to adapt himself to the new reality, maybe because he was still shocked by what happened with Gurshieva, he had no friends. He spent all his energies doing what he was requested to do, but in a somewhat mechanical way, and in the free time, he usually stayed alone (often using also that time to do his duty as a cadet). To some observer, and even to himself, it was as the passion he had cultivated for Starfleet during his childhood and his youth was rapidly dissipating, leaving behind nothing but a void.

In 2392, Andrej started to think that, maybe, at least his father was not so wrong in opposing his decision to join Starfleet. Maybe, he should have returned back in Moscow, back at home. Maybe, and this was probably his strongest hope, he would have found Gurshieva, still there, at the MGU, ready to begin again. In that moment, the stars looked very far, and very, very small.

But the solution came from an unexpected direction: Lieutenant Friederick Bercè, new professor of Physics of Warp Drive at Marseille Academy, noticed what was happening to that young cadet. During his lessons, the professor was able to understand the deep passion and knowledge Andrej had for everything concerning starship engineering, and particularly propulsion and engines; coincidentally, he had met his mother, in 2388, when both served on board the Thunderchild. So, he decided to help the cadet find his way. And he did it in an unorthodox way: by proposing him to be sent to the Academy in San Francisco.

At first, Andrej was skeptical: what would change, he thought, by simply moving to another continent? Luckily for him (as he would discover), however, he was not the kind of person to refuse to give a last chance to an hope or a dream to materialize. So, he accepted the transfer, and the same year he moved to San Francisco.

And there, finally, the bud blossomed.

Absorbed in the atmosphere of the most prestigious Starfleet Academy, Andrej felt his passion regaining life, day by day.

There, he met his first, true friends after Gurshieva: Ruben Avetis and Anja Leonardsen, two human cadets, and Iria, a Vulcan girl dedicated to science (particularly to exobiology).

They became so strongly united, that soon at the Academy everyone knew of the “Strange Quartet”, as they were labelled.

For the first time since Gurshieva (but, maybe, for the first time at all), Andrej felt and thought of himself as part of a team: together, the “Strange Quartet” could accomplish almost everything.

And, indeed, their road was full of obstacles, often created by themselves: Leonardsen was undoubtedly an hot-headed girl, the strong will of Avetis soon became both an asset and a liability, and the cooler and more reasonable (obviously!) Iria…..well, sometimes excessive rationality didn’t help either. At the end, and through many “experiments” as Iria (ironically?) soon labelled them, the “Quartet” learned how to use their points of strength and how to compensante their weaknesses. Andrej, again and again, discovered to be able to do exactly this, and to help his new friends by, literally, “coordinating” them.

It was by this way, that Andrej, for the first time, thought about command.

However, this was only a secondary thought: strengthened by his new friendships, Andrej finally showed all his prowess in the field he cared most about, engineering. Often in cooperation with Avetis, Andrej started even to design small projects, which came incredibly useful to him in developing his knowledge.

During their last year at the Academy, under the supervision of Prof. Levan, Andrej and Ruben designed a new set of engines for small shuttlecrafts, with main goal of reducing the consumption of dilithium crystal through a better optimization of the intermix chamber of the warp drive. The project resulted in a commendation for both of them.

Moreover, the two cadets captured the interest of the Advanced Starship Design Bureau of Utopia Planitia, which offered them the opportunity to make a training session in the institution.

Although that meant to leave behind two members of the “Quartet”, they knew there was no time to spare. At Utopia Planitia, Andrej greatly expanded his knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of starship engineering. While its main interest in the field still was propulsion, he developed a keen interest also for structural issues and the energy distribution systems.

The experience at the ASDB, however, also taught something else to Andrej (and, as he discovered later, also to Ruben): while terribly fascinating, work in a design bureau was not for them. So, at the end of the training session, they declined the offer of the Bureau to join it after graduation.

Back in San Francisco, Andrej had only one desire: to come on board a Starfleet vessel. The stars, now, looked very bright.

The “Strange Quartet”, reunited, made its graduation cruise on board the U.S.S. Morugina, an Ambassador Class vessel. For Andrej, it was a deeply emotional journey. Finally, he had the possibility to touch with his own fingers a warp drive, to directly interact with it, to really see, with his own eyes, how things work.

In 2395, finally, Andrej Timoreev graduated, becoming an Ensign of Starfleet, with a major in Advanced Theoretical Physics (with a specialization in Propulsion Physics) and a minor in History and xenoarchaeology.

Soon after the graduation, Andrej was assigned to the U.S.S. Rihlah, a Centaur Class vessel mainly operating on the border with the Cardassian Union. The “Quartet” was divided (Avetis was assigned to the U.S.S. Hama, while Iria was temporarily sent to a scientific outpost on Kassel III), but at least Anja received the same assignment as well.

On board the Rihlah, Andrej had his first combat experiences (against True Way vessels trying to disrupt convoy routes in the sector) and he experienced first-hand the difficulties of engineering interventions under dangerous circumstances. In 2398, during a patrol not far from the Badlands, the Rihlah was ambushed by a squadron of True Way ships. The battle which ensued was terrible: the ship lost almost half of her crew. However, the dedication of those who served on board and the ability of Captain Endermann, her commanding officer, at least saved the vessel from destruction. It was the Captain himself who noted that, while the Engineering Section fell in chaos after the death of the Chief Engineer Officer, a young Ensign kept his mind cold, operating at his console for the whole duration of the fight. That Ensign was Andrej, and his dedication resulted in a commendation by Captain Endermann and the promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade the following month.

During the following two years, still serving on the Rihlah together with Anja, Andrej had many opportunities to serve also on the bridge. This way, learning directly from the example of Captain Endermann, he understood the principles of command, and the old thought he made about it slowly began to surface again.

At the end of 2400, when the Rihlah was badly damaged after a skirmish near the Sherman system against Orion pirates, Starfleet Command deemed the ship to be irrecovarable; consequently Captain Endermann was assigned to the U.S.S. Na’el, Akira Class. The Captain tried to bring with him as many members of his old crew as he could, and Timoreev was among them.

As a Lieutenant J.G., he had opportunities to interact more directly with the Captain: for Andrej, since his years on the Rihlah Endermann had become a sort of second father for him, a father who could really understand him and his passion.

Timoreev was further promoted to Lieutenant full grade in 2406. The same year, Ruben, having survived the destruction of the Hama, also began serving on board the Na’el. Iria, instead, was assigned to the U.S.S. Hemingway.

After the Klingon War slowly reached a level of standoff, the Na’el was re-assigned to more peaceful duties. This was the time for Andrej to having his first-hand experience of deep space exploration, something that changed his whole perspective. Finally “riding the waves” in the heart of space, Andrej participated in many reconnaissance missions. His old passion for history, never abandoned, showed itself in different occasions, while exploring the ancinet ruins on the newly-discovered Hiillan system, belonging to a civilization which thrived almost 3000 years ago.

Andrej even wrote an academic article for the occasion, detailing his own ideas about the possibility that the Hiillan civilization was effectively warp-capable, an article that received many praises by the academic community of the Federation (and many criticisms alike).

In 2408, he decided to finally attend the Starfleet Command School, temporarily leaving the Na’el, with the full support of Captain Endermann.

Back on Earth after many years of absence, he decided to go back to Moscow, for the very first time since his departure for Marseille. There, he met his father Alexander, still a professor at the MGU. Surprised to see the changes his son had during his life in Starfleet, Alexander finally accepted that he was wrong, and the two made peace. It was an important moment for Andrej. However, he had not the courage to search for Gurshieva. He only asked to his father if he knew something about her: Alexander told him that Gurshieva left Moscow for London six years before, and he had no more news of her since then.

For a brief moment, under the pressure of all the memories of her he had, Andrej decided to follow the track and go to London when he had the time. However, back in San Francisco, he was fully absorbed by his new duties as a student in the Command School. There, he met Sarah Morisette, an ensign of the tactical detachment. Despite their differences (Morisette was often hot-heated, not very differently from Leonardsen), the two became friends, and in different occasions Timoreev had the opportunity to observe that, nonetheless, she was a dedicated and capable officer.

In 2410, Andrej graduated at the Command School. During his journey back to the Na'el, on board the U.S.S. Prague, Timoreev had the opportunity to meet Halora, a young Bolian ensign who had just graduated from the Academy. She was responsible for the M/AM reactor of the vessel, and soon Andrej found she was deeply interested in propulsion engineering, exactly like him. Hit by the abilities and knowledge of the Bolian girl, emerging while discussing many times about the latest engineering problems in the Prague lounge, Timoreev decided to keep contact with her.

Back on the Na’el, Timoreev was appointed executive officer, after Commander T’Lai, the previous XO, was promoted to Captain, and transferred to the U.S.S. Prague itself.

Back on board the ship, Andrej demonstrated all his dedication and prowess by helping Captain Endermann in the difficult task of patrolling the Romulan border (coincidentally, the same border where his mother died many years before) and helping the Republic colonies in the area resist the attacks by rogue Tal Shiar agents.

These duties allowed him to sharpen his organizational capabilities, something fundamental for a commanding officer.

The days of the Academy at Marseille, when Andrej was almost to the point of leaving Starfleet, were definitely far. He even met again Bercè (now with the rank of Commander), during a diplomatic mission with members of the Romulan Star Empire in the Agrama System.

In 2411, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander by Captain Endermann due to merits of service. For Timoreev, it seemed the situation was to become more and more bright, and he began to think more and more about the opportunity to receive a first command of his own.

But more dangerous challenges still needed to be faced: the Iconian War, although not as a long as the previous conflict with the Klingon, was nonetheless far more bloody and catastrophic.

As XO of the Na’el, Timoreev had to look every day to reports from Starfleet listing the number of casualties, the vessels destroyed in action….practically on a day basis, he found that one of his former colleagues at the Academy was killed. Ruben Avetis, in particular, was reported as missing in action few weeks after the beginning of the war, when his ship, the U.S.S. De Orian, was destroyed by Herald ships. For Timoreev, it was a strong blow.

So, at least he felt emotionally unprepared, when finally Starfleet Command offered to Andrej the opportunity he was waiting for: to be promoted to the rank of Commander (a temporary promotion before reaching the full rank of Captain), and thus receiving the command of his own ship. The vessel in question was the U.S.S. Shenandoah, Excelsior Class. Badly damaged at the end of the Klingon War, the ship had lost half of her crew, including her commanding officers; consequently, in the aftermath of the war, she was locked at Earth Spacedock for extensive repairs, refit procedures and, eventually, a new crew. Due to the lack of captains (the losses inflicted upon Starfleet by so many bloody conflicts in a brief span of time were catastrophic), Starfleet Command decided then to assign new commands to valuable young officers who already proved themselves. And Andrej was precisely among them.

At first, the young Commander was not so keen in accepting the new assignment: he knew he had still many things to learn, and, moreover, always comparing himself with such an experienced and able commanding officer as Captain Endermann didn’t help him understanding if he was effectively ready for the “great step”. And to bring a ship and a crew in a terrible conflict such as the war against the Iconians, was no easy responsibility.

It was Endermann himself who finally convinced him, in a private discussion they had in the ready room of the Na’el. Sad to leave the man to whom he owed so much, Andrej finally accepted.

While Anja Leonardsen stepped up in the role of executive officer of the Na'el, Timoreev preparared his ship for her first mission. Choosing his crew, he decided to call Halora and Morisette on board; the latter, in particular, who had been recently promoted lieutenant commander, was appointed as executive officer.

In the first months of 2414, thus, Andrej personally oversaw the last round of work on board the Shenandoah. He wanted to knew as much as possible of the systems of the ship, her internal structure, and her capabilities, before departing; and, as a consequence, he began to feel a sort of attraction toward his new command. The Shenandoah was a sound and proven ship, and the Excelsior Class always attracted Andrej (and Halora too). For him, sitting on the captain’s chair on the bridge of that ship, was a sort of sacred duty.

It was Andrej who, under suggestion by the Chief Medical Officer, Tlaive Escott, proposed to Starfleet to change the name of the ship, completely refitted: U.S.S. Ananke.

Finally leaving Earth Spacedock in October 2414 (two days before the birthday of Andrej), the Ananke was assigned to patrol the main supply routes of the Federation during his first month of service (a way to test the ship performance), a duty the crew carried on with professionalism.

Maybe it was luck, but the Ananke, never had a major participation in the conflict: at the end, the ship met only few times with groups of Herald ships, although this was more than sufficient to put stress upon the new crew. Herald ships, even if smaller than a dreadnought, were powerful enemies, and during those months, the Ananke lost at least fifty men and women in combat, and Timoreev clearly began to suffer from such a pressure: he saw his own crewmembers dying in sickbay, or the wounded and dead to be transported out of damaged sections of the ship. That was not his first combat experience, and of course he was trained to handle with that: however, it was difficult. More often than in the past, his old friends found him looking at the stars from the window of the briefing room, fallen into his thoughts and reflections. Was that really what he dreamed of when he was a child? To see death all around him? And, in that mayhem, what was of Gurshieva? Moreover, the emotional blow of Ruben's death never fully left him.

Luckily, the Iconian War ended soon. In December, then, the vessel, now chaired by a Captain Timoreev, was moved to the Delta Volanis Cluster, for a two-months cartography mission. It was this the occasion for Lieutenant Iria to reunite with his Academy friend, when she was assigned (under recommendation of Timoreev himself) as Chief Science Officer of the Ananke.

The mission reserved many surprises to the Ananke and her crew: an ancient burial ground was discovered on PY-778 during a reconnaissance mission (and Andrej gladly participated to the preliminary analysis of the area to be sent back to the Federation Archaeology Council); Iria had the occasion to discover and analize fragments of alien DNA discovered on a supposedly-dead planet.

At the end of the year, Andrej again looked at the future with some hope: maybe, after all, that was really his dream. But the shadows casted upon that dream by war were still there, and he didn’t know how to make them vanish. In that period, the Ananke was briefly assigned to the border with the Tholians, due to increased hostile activities in the area. Compared to what happened during the war, also patrolling that area of space in search for Tholian ships seemed to be relaxing. But reality was quiet different: although the presence of another Starfleet ship in the area maybe had a deterrent effect, the Ananke came under attack by Tholians when she stepped on to the rescue of a stranded colony of the Romulan Republic. The fight that ensued costed the ship three dead and fourty wounded, but at the end the colony was saved.

After months spent in outer space, having completed the mission with distinction, the Ananke was finally back home.

There, something else happened that changed Timoreev perspective on himself: Starfleet Command offered to Timoreev a new command: the U.S.S. Kashgar, Avenger Class. It was a modern ship, equipped with state-of-the-art systems, and Timoreev knew that. Thus, he was the first to be astonished to find that he began to wonder if accepting or not was a good idea. The shadows of the war were again there, and a thought began to introduce itself deeply inside Timoreev’s mind: was he really worth of such a command? Was he really able to command a more modern vessel, and to accomplish all the missions such a ship would be assigned to? And, above all, was he really worth of command at all?

Of course, sentimentalism toward the Ananke played its part: she was a good ship, after all, and Timoreev was beginning to think at her as home. Was it really necessary to change the old (although refitted) lady with a young girl? At the end, the same existence of these doubts made Timoreev sure of his answer: he refused the new command. Evidently, he was not ready; and understanding this was a deep blow to his own pride: really was he coming back to that dark period, when he was in Marseille? He could not accept that. He escaped from that trap once, and he had no intention to fall again into it. However, facts were facts.

Consequently, when the Ananke was assigned to Deep Space 13, in the middle of 2415, he accepted the new task with a sort of mix of joy and relief. He had duty to do, and maybe, during his new assignments, he would finally shed a light over his doubts and fears, and find answers.

Meanwhile, on his captain’s chair, Andrej Timoreev still leads his crew.


  • PATERNALAlexander Timoreev neurologist, professor at MGU

  • MATERNALOlga Timoreeva (formerly Livchenko) Starfleet Officer, Engineering Department (deceased)


  • Federation High School Diploma

  • Starfleet Academy Diploma

  • Masters Degree in Propulsion Physics

  • Bachelors Degree in Theoretical Physics

  • Minor Degree in History & Historiographical Research


  • Official Relation on the Design Program for improved shuttlecraft engines (Official Bulletin of the Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, 2394)

  • The Hiillan civilization and space-travel: an hypothesis on the warp capabilities of the Hiillans (Official Bulletin of the Federation Academy of Xenoarchaeology, 2407)

  • Report on the preliminary analysis of the burial ruins found on PBY-778 (in cooperation with Lt.Cmdr. Iria, Federation Archaeology Council, 2415)

  • Improvements of the M/AM interaction in new model warp drives (Official Bulletin of the Starfleet Engineering Corps, 2415)


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